
2010 continues to be a year of change. Last year seemed to be the year that many of my friends got married. This year everyone seems to be having babies. I blame the recession. But I'm sure the blizzards throughout the country over the winter played some part as well.

The point is that as my friends are moving on in their lives and having families, I'm left in a funny in between place. I don't quite fit into the young adult/just out of college category anymore. And I'm not in the just married/new family category either. I love being single and independent. But my list of friends to be independent with is dwindling. It's forcing me to think about what comes next.

The possibilities are still endless. I recently began studying for the LSAT. I'm mostly interested in a combination law/social work degree. There are some interesting programs out there. Some offer dual JD/MSW. Some are just JD degrees with certificates in Poverty Law or Dispute Resolution. All of them sound exciting. But it also leaves me feeling a bit antsy. Does this mean leaving Denver? Does this mean having to start over again--in another place that I don't have many connections again? That sounds exhausting just thinking about it.

I found a blessing when I was browsing online a few weeks ago. It was very motivational for me in clearing my head and keeping me focused on what I find important in accomplishing in my life.

May you be blessed
with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths
and superficial relationships
so that you will live deep within your heart.

May you be blessed
with anger at injustice, oppression,
and exploitation of people so that you will work
for justice, equality, and peace.

May you be blessed
with tears to shed for those who suffer
from pain, rejection, starvation, and war
so that you will reach out your hand
comfort them and change their pain into joy.

May you be blessed
with the foolishness to think that you
can make a difference in the world
so that you will do things
which others tell you
cannot be done.

-Author unknown

Life happens. And I find I'm most happy when I remember the bigger picture. Rather than focusing on the details of who, how, what, where and when.

1 comment:

  1. I think if we are all honest with ourselves that we all find ourselves in the in between stages...kid to young adult, young adult to adult, adult to elderly, single to married, married to married with kids, out of college without a job, finding your space and place in the world. I like the quote and the reminder to remember the bigger picture...thanks! Love you.

